John Rainbow joined the ranks of TransAm Trucking’s Million Mile Achievers! John is a company driver who started with TransAm Trucking in June of 2006. Like other Million Mile Jacket winners, his record is accident and late load free. So what makes him stand out above the rest? His […]
Alex Powers
Being part of the TransAm community means having someone you can rely on. It doesn’t matter if you’ve met once or a hundred times, when you haul for TransAm Trucking either as an employed company driver or as an independent contractor/owner-operator, others recognize you as part of the team. […]
Leo Payne is the type of driver every fleet wants. He’s dedicated, hardworking, but above all else, he’s a team player. Leo joined TransAm Trucking in 1997 as a company driver and he’s still with us today. His safety record is impressive (he is consistently a DriveCam Top Performer) […]
We are proud to announce that David Johnson joined the ranks of TransAm Trucking’s Million Mile Achievers! What does it take to be a Million Mile Achiever? Each driver shares the same 3 qualities: dedication, safety, and pride in being truck drivers. Dedication It’s no secret that loving what […]
When we asked our office staff to describe Ralf Jones one statement rang out above all the rest: “He’s an excellent driver.” Well-liked, successful, and ambitious, Ralf does indeed excel at what he does. This week we’re celebrating with him as he hits another milestone in his business. Ralf […]
Rex Tyler recently hit an impressive achievement. He’s driven not one million miles with TransAm Trucking, but TWO. Rex started with TransAm Trucking in September 1999 and he’s still trucking along. Thank you Last Friday TransAm held an award ceremony for Rex where he received his leather, Two Million […]
Truck driving is unlike any other industry in the United States. The hours are abnormal and most of a driver’s time is spent over-the-road away from family and friends. It takes a dedicated person to be a trucker and a noble one do the job well. Elwin Hines is […]
Drivers spend most of their time in their trucks. From working to sleeping, the truck is home when drivers are over the road. At TransAm we understand the importance of having a good truck and want to provide the best trucks possible for our drivers. This is why we are […]
TransAm Trucking is pleased to announce that we are installing Garmin units in our fleet! What does that mean for you, our drivers? Not only do these Garmins have GPS components, but you can also use them to message your Driver/Business Manager, track your Hours of Service, and much […]
What does it mean to be noble? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “noble” means “having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as […] generosity, courage, etc.)”. Generosity and courage. That is what it means to be a truck driver. Generosity The trucking industry is the […]