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Drivers of the Year 2018

Mentor of the Year – Kerlon Epps

Kerlon Epps is an outstanding example of what a mentor at TransAm should be. He continuously works hard to supply his mentees with the information that they need to succeed. If a mentee has difficulty with a certain area of training, Kerlon goes out of his way to ensure that they are confident before moving on to the next level. He has been such an influential mentor to all our mentees this year and we are grateful to have him contract his business with TransAm Trucking. Thank you Kerlon!

Regional Driver of the Year – Thomas Mauthe

“Thomas has been with TransAm Trucking since July 6, 2016. He has an impeccable safety and service record with us and an amazing attitude. Thomas is one of the hardest working drivers we have on our fleet! He is consistent with fulfilling all his duties and keeping a positive attitude no matter what. To top it off, he is always helpful to our other drivers. Thanks for being a team player, Thomas!” – Penny Lerro, TransAm Trucking Regional Fleet Manager

Company Driver of the Year – Lewis Moultrie

Shout out to Lewis for always going the extra mile to ensure the safety of TransAm equipment. There have been multiple situations throughout the year in which Lewis has set the standard of what it means to be a noble driver. For example, he went out of his way to secure a TransAm truck and ensure that it was delivered safely to the body shop for repair. This is just one situation where Lewis went above and beyond in his role as a driver. We appreciate his proactive approach to solving whatever issue comes his way, especially when it comes to the safety and quality of TransAm’s fleet. Thank you, Lewis, for the impact you have made this year. We are proud to have you a part of the TransAm team!

Independent Contractor of the Year – Tramell Shelby

“Trammel Shelby is truly amazing to do business with. This past year he has shown what it means to be a noble driver. It is evident that he is passionate not only about being a driver and owning a business but also as a mentor to those just joining the industry. For Tramell, the mentor program isn’t about making miles, but sharing his knowledge and love of driving with others. He also takes pride in delivering his loads on time while still being safe out on the road. We are grateful for the impact his business has made with Tramell as a driver and a mentor at TransAm.”  – Conrad Voorhees, TransAm Trucking Fleet Manager